Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting Really Upset About Smallville!!! Superman's New Costume Needs a Doctor, but Who?

Smallville is in its 10th season now (that's right, you read correctly, tenth season!!!) so all bets are off. We've seen Clark fighting crime in red jackets before, but not tiny red leather jackets that seem to be paying homage to one of our favorite shows, Doctor Who!

So just in case you're unclear, Clark Kent's new costume looks  

It's creepy, same jacket, same blue shirt underneath, black pants. It's like they went online and ordered the "Doctor Who: Martha Jones" costume in XXL.

At least we've seen the real Superman costume behind ice in the Fortress of Solitude, but couldn't they at least have dressed him like The Doctor instead of one of his companions?

Remember WB, bow ties are cool, dressing Superman like a girl... not so much!

Misguided homage aside, We Love Smallville!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Doctor Who at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con

We got some really fun Doctor Who cosplay photos at the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con, check them out:

See some of our other photos from SDCC2010 on the Geek World site (there are a few up on the blog but we are still working on the album!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Doctor Who at the Anime Expo

We were at the Anime Expo today and spotted these at one of the tables:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Greatest License Plate EVER!!!!

We were on our way to E3 on Thursday and ended up behind a car with the greatest license plate ever!!!

Or perhaps that was the Tardis and it regained it's ability to blend into it's surroundings. Good trick Doctor, but we're onto you!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Doctor Who Cosplay at the Phoenix Comicon

We had a great time visiting the 2010 Phoenix Comicon, especially when there were Doctor Who/Torchwood sightings!

Doctor Who (David Tennant version), Dalek girl, Tardis girl

Hey look, the tardis is bigger on the inside!

Torchwood's Ianto Jones & Captain John Hart

CLICK HERE to see our whole album from Phoenix Comicon 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010



In case you missed our epic play by play of all the Time Titans putting the smack down on todays episode... here it is!


The Podcast for Today's show is already posted in case you missed it!
Part 1
Part 2

Captain Jack Sings Doctor Who

For all you Doctor Who and Torchwood fans out there here is a clip of Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) singing the Doctor Who theme song on The Weakest Link!!!

In case you couldn't tell, today is a bit of a Doctor Who day for us!!! Hope you're all excited for the new season to start on BBC America this weekend (April 17th)!

In case you missed our Doctor Who themed episode today don't worry, here's the links to the podcast:
Part 1
Part 2

You'll Always Remember Your First Doctor's Companion!

Image Property of the SYFY Network

Teenage Popstar, Doctor's Companion, TV Prostitute, I don't mind what you call me that's just semantics!

Hey Check out :50 sec in, Clearly she has a thing for all the Doctors!!!
Here's the proof!

See, the tree lady knew all along!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thursday is our Doctor Who Show - Check out the Promo!

Image Property of BBC

Here at Geek World we love The Doctor and this Thursday we're devoting the entire show to him!

With the new season of Doctor Who starting on BBC America on April 17th we want to get you all ready for the new Doctor (Matt Smith) his new companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and how things look for the start of their adventure!

Be sure to tune in Thursday, April 15th at 12 Noon PST on for the show! (Don't worry if you miss it the show when it plays live, we'll have it up for podcast soon after).

Monday, April 12, 2010


Our show this week will be all about the longest running sci-fi show of all time, DOCTOR WHO!!!

We'll be reviewing the first episode of the new season and the 11th Doctor just in time for the BBC America Premiere this Saturday! Hey look a clock for when the Doctor premiere's on BBC America!

We'll also discuss the Doctors of the past, our favorite episodes since the Doctor's return in 2005, and even a little Torchwood!

Don't forget to bring your Sonic Screwdrivers for our special Doctor Who Episode this Thursday, 12pm (PST) on 92.5KYHY

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Geek World Loves Doctor Who


We here at Geek World have become obsessed with a decades old epic series! That's right folks, Doctor Who has sucked us in.

It all started in 2006 when we discovered Torchwood (thank you BBC America On Demand). By episode 4, "Cyberwoman", we were hooked. A beautiful woman in a cheesy looking cyborg suit was too much for us to resist (and at that point we had no idea who the Cybermen were). We followed Torchwood all the way through "Children of Earth" and knew we needed more!

We had been interested in starting Doctor Who for a while but are poor and don't have cable and the DVDs were a little too expensive for us at the time. We loved Christopher Eccleson in 28 Days Later and as Claude in Heroes and we loved Billie Piper in Secret Diary of a Call Girl so we knew Doctor Who was not to be missed. Thanks to BBC America On Demand (again), who started playing the show from the first episode, we were finally able to see what all the fuss was about.

From the pilot episode on we couldn't get enough. We loved Christopher Eccleson's run as The Doctor and David Tennant kept us smiling. Now, while we're waiting for Season 5 (with Matt Smith as the new Doctor) to start here, we've been making our way through the original Doctor Who serials (we plan to watch every single episode of Doctor Who that is available).

This blog will be our place for all things Doctor Who! The plan is to post our revelations, observations, and information about each episode of the new series as well as the old serials. We'll also post some news and other Doctor Who related goofiness.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Muse Takes the Tardis for a Joy Ride!

Have you heard the Muse song Uprising?

Geek World thinks maybe they were inspired by an adventure in the Tardis because the beginning of the song sounds almost exactly like the Doctor Who theme!

I'd be less suspicious if the working title of their next project wasn't "The Resistance against the Black Holes created by the Daleks and Cybermen to reach an Absolution to the Time War"

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Man it's been a rough week in LA. Rain season is in full effect and AnnaMay and I have both been fighting off sickness. However you can always learn useless stuff while being sick, here's a few things we learned.

Our Man Flint killed a terrorist named Hans Gruber and blew up the Dollhouse.


Kolchak: The Night Stalker is like Sam and Dean from Supernatural, if Sam and Dean were Matlock.
Kolchak poster 2supernaturalcw


Bill and Ted have a TARDIS.

See you can be sick and still be a productive member of society!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Torchwood USA? Is America ready for a bi-sexual superhero?

News broke today that Fox is planning to remake BBC's hit show "Torchwood" for American audiences. A spin-off of "Dr. Who", "Torchwood" follows a team of alien fighting Brit's led by the immortal and indestructible Capt. Jack Harkness. The show has enjoyed 2 well rated seasons and a mini-series follow-up "Children of Earth" that broke ratings records for the BBC.

We here at Geek World love "Torchwood" (and "Doctor Who") and with "Torchwood's" success it seems like a no-brainer to remake it in America (though British-to-USA adaptations aren't always successful, see "Life on Mars"), but we can't help wondering if the controvercial traits that make certain characters unique will be lost in translation?

First off, the good news is that show creator Russell T. Davies will be writing the script for the new pilot, and members of the original BBC production are also involved. That, along with the possibility that Capt. Jack Harkness himself John Barrowman might return as the lead, means all seems well and good in Geekland. Even so, I'm a little worried.

If you've ever seen "Torchwood" (or read the headline) you probably know what I'm getting at. One of the great things that separates "Torchwood" from the rest of the sci-fi action pack is that the tough alpha male, Capt. Jack, is in today's terms bi-sexual. When I say in today's terms, note that Capt. Jack's from the 25th century, where having sex with a variety of alien species is the norm, making homosexuality or bi-sexuality irrelevant, something not even worth defining. This is something that always impressed me as an American, in fact I've said more than once while watching "Torchwood", "They'd never get away with that in America", and I don't say that as a compliment.

We at Geek World love the sci-fi coming out of the UK (Dr. Who, Torchwood, Being Human) not only because they don't waste time stretching out tired plots, like American shows trying to make it too 5 seasons so they can sell the show into syndication (I'm looking at you "Lost" and "Heroes"), but also because they're very progressive compared to the shows in th US. Don't get me wrong I'm not moving across the pond, and I definitely watch mostly American TV, but I can't help feeling more impressed by these UK shows, and one of the major things that impresses me has always been Capt. Jack Harkness.

Take one part Indiana Jones, one part Fox Mulder, and take those cowboys from Brokeback then remove all that mid-west 1960's homosexual shame and you've got Capt. Jack, a guy who will rush into danger, blow up, come back together like One-Piece, and go home with the girl, or the guy, or both if he's lucky. Jack's sort of an equal opportunity lover, kinda like David Bowie in the 70's, except he fights aliens (wait wasn't Bowie an alien? Didn't he fall to I don't love Capt. Jack because he's bi-sexual, I love him because he's 100% the mold of the traditional action hero, He's tall, dark, and invincible, he has a mysterious past (he was both a timecop and a con man, with Spike the vampire!) and he's basically a cop on the edge who makes heroic and un-heroic decisions. He's in England but sounds American (Barrowman was born in the UK but grew up in America) and he's basically the archetype action hero, who happens to be bi.

The point of Capt. Jack is that people are people, separate from their sexuality. We're mired with homesexual men in American tv and movies either as the effeminate "girrrlllfriend!" gay man (look at the guys on Will and Grace, BTW John Barrowman auditioned for the part of Will back when and was turned down because he was deemed too "straight-acting") or we have the closeted prone to violence gay man (Buffalo Bill, Zed from "Pulp Fiction", Mr. Garrison, the dudes in "Rope"). And that's how America likes their gay men, that's what's comfortable, they're either the wimpy gay guy that gets thrown in the dumpster like Kurt in "Glee", or a psychopath that needs to be stopped before they rape and kill all of the straight football watching beer guzzling warm blooded American men.

So all this soap boxing aside, the question is, can Capt. Jack Harkness, as he is, Leader, Badass, Action Hero, Bi-Sexual, can he exist on American television? Futhermore can he exist on Fox, whose own "news" channel "Fox News" is a hotbed of homophobia and hate speech? Are we ready to believe someone can have sex with men and women, and still be tough? Still save the day? Can the average American male respect an action hero who goes both ways, without laughing and calling their friends "Homo!" while bending their wrists, making sure everyone there is very clear they themselves couldn't possibly be gay? How would we react if in the middle of "24" after Kiefer tortured a terrorist and saved the day he turned to another male good-guy in the room and planted a big kiss on him? Would he no longer be worthy of saving America every single day?

I'd like to believe we're ready to change all the black and white perspectives we have, then again a very good friend of mine once told me, "There is black and white, your the one making it grey!". I'd like to believe that America's "Torchwood" could continue in the mold of the UK's version, bravely being one of the best sci-fi shows on, with it's hero saving the day and having sex with anyone he chooses. Maybe it will help American audiences cope with something many of them don't want to believe, something they can't handle, that heroes aren't gay or straight, or even bi...they're just heroes.
