Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting Really Upset About Smallville!!! Superman's New Costume Needs a Doctor, but Who?

Smallville is in its 10th season now (that's right, you read correctly, tenth season!!!) so all bets are off. We've seen Clark fighting crime in red jackets before, but not tiny red leather jackets that seem to be paying homage to one of our favorite shows, Doctor Who!

So just in case you're unclear, Clark Kent's new costume looks  

It's creepy, same jacket, same blue shirt underneath, black pants. It's like they went online and ordered the "Doctor Who: Martha Jones" costume in XXL.

At least we've seen the real Superman costume behind ice in the Fortress of Solitude, but couldn't they at least have dressed him like The Doctor instead of one of his companions?

Remember WB, bow ties are cool, dressing Superman like a girl... not so much!

Misguided homage aside, We Love Smallville!